An Urgent Need for a Technology Injection – Horse Racing

Aintree, near Liverpool is a place steeped in history. The race course is a highlight of this quaint village, and the Grand National, a top annual event here is watched by thousands in person and by millions on Television.

The British Horseracing Regulatory Authority would do well in its new role as being in charge of UK horse racing, to inject some appropriate technology in to the race tracks under its control.

Traditions are not valuable if they interfere with performance and punter value in horse racing. That is why using a tape to start an event involving no fewer than 40 competitors, does not seem right.

It is no wonder that the ludicrous sight of a false set at the 2006 Grand National was greeted with sighs and worse. People who travel over long distances to see a legendary horse racing event and who have precious sporting bets on the line deserve better!

It was clear that more than one horse was seriously upset at the false start, and it could have done no good for the jockeys who put their lives on the line. Horse racing enthusiasts have every right to expect a functioning gate system to get events off to smooth and fair starts. The British Horseracing Regulatory Authority, which has only just taken charge from the Jockey Club, seems to have its hands full already!